Causes And Symptoms Of Mental Illnesses — A Complete Guide

Mind Coach Biswajit
6 min readApr 11, 2022


Hey, if you want to know, “what is mental illness and its cause and symptoms?” then you are in the right place. Because here you get all the information about mind management and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, stress, anger, etc.

In this article, we are going to discuss mental illness and its causes and symptoms. So now let’s try to understand what is mental illness?

What Is Mental Illness?

As we discuss in our previous article about mental health that mental health is one of the most important aspects of our life or you can say the most important areas of health in our life. Most people do not know anything about mental health.

Why? Because they do not know about mental health, they have no awareness of mental health. But this is not their fault because we have only limited people to build awareness about mental health.

Like physical health, mental health is also is the most underrated area of health. But why mental health is the most underrated area of health?

Because most people think that talking about their mental health problems is taboo or they think that if they discuss their mental health problems with anyone else then they do not believe in that.

People make jokes about them, people use to call them mental or mad, etc. That is the topmost reason known to share mental health problems with others. Here people take the wrong step or make the wrong decision to commit suicide.

Because when a person is facing mental health problems like depression, anxiety, stress, anger, etc, and if he/she not sharing their problems with anyone then they think there is only one solution to overcome this pain is suicide.

Trust me mental pain is more painful than physical pain. Most people did not know anything about mental health but thanks to the internet help us to get information about mental health.

Now people use the internet to be aware of mental health problems and try to get solutions to their problems but here the internet can not help them.

Due to over information about mental health problems on the internet people are not able to use the right information to solve their problems.

Due to covid-19 people become more aware of mental health because they face more mental health problems in these lockdowns.

Mental health is the condition of the health of your mind and mental illness is the condition or problems that you face in your mind or the problem you face mentally like depression, anxiety, stress, anger, etc.

If you become angry about a small thing or you feel depression, anxiety, the stress in your day to day life that means you are mentally ill.

So, if you try to understand what mental illness is, then you can say that “becoming ill mentally it’s called mental illness”. Now let’s try to understand the causes of mental illness.

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Causes Of Mental Illness

Here we are going to discuss the causes of mental illness. As you know that whatever happened in our life or this world has a cause. Noting has happened without any cause. Like this, mental illness has also some causes.

Mental illness is not developed in one moment or one day, it takes time. Mostly it is developed from early childhood. In some cases, it developed from an intense incident that directly affects the person’s mind.

In some cases, it developed from the society you lived in. In some cases, it developed from people around you. In some cases, it was developed by your parents. In some cases, it developed from the friend circle you have, etc.

There are lots of causes our there for mental illness. Before we proceed let me clarify to you that mental illness is not only having depression, anxiety, and stress but also having anger, greed, lust, expectation, attachment, desires, etc.

If you have control of your emotion then we can say that you have strong mental health, but if you have no control over your emotions then we can say that you have poor mental health. If you get angry at small that means also you are mentally ill. In this digital era, 99.99% of people are mentally ill.

Most people have no control over their emotions. See everything starts from your mind or emotion. In our early childhood our parent’s behaviour, the society we lived in, the friends we have, or the incident we face play a big role in our mental health condition.

In early childhood, we do not know what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. Everything we learn by seeing and observing from our parents, the society we lived in, the people around us, etc. and all this will going to decide our emotional health like how we will react to something or how we will behave to something, etc.

If our parents behave well then we learn that we have to behave in a good manner, but if our parents behave badly or rudely then also we learned to behave badly and rudely, if the society does wrong things then also we learn to do wrong things because we have no intelligence to understand what is good or bad and what is right and wrong in our childhood.

So, these are a handful of reasons for the causes of mental illness and not only these reasons but also there are lots of causes out there for mental illness. Now let’s try to understand some symptoms of mental illness.

Also Read: Make the best decission in all situatioins with 6 mind management technioques.

Symptoms Of Mental Illness

Like the above, we discussed the cause of mental illness, but now let’s try to understand the symptoms of mental illness. There are lots of symptoms out there of mental illness. Some symptoms you know very well and some symptoms you don’t.

But you have to know all the symptoms because without awareness of symptoms you can not manage or control your mental health. Now let’s understand these 8 symptoms of mental illness very well.

1. Uncontrolled Emotions

The first symptom is uncontrolled emotions. Every human being has some type of emotion like anger, happiness, sadness, etc. But the fact is most people on this earth have no control over their emotions.

Their emotions are uncontrollable for them because they do not know how to control their emotion properly. If you have also uncontrolled emotions then you can say that you are a mentally ill person.

But what is uncontrolled emotion? Uncontrolled emotion means, that if your emotions is not dependent on you or if your emotions depend on other people, situations, etc. then you can say that your emotion is not under your control of yourself.

If you are happy and suddenly something has happened and you became angry and again something has happened and you became sad then that is a clear sign that you have uncontrolled emotions.

If someone says a good or bad word to you or if someone gives a compliment to you or insults you and if you become very happy or become very sad then your emotion depends on others.

You give full control of your emotion to others. And the most dangerous fact is that anyone can control your emotion except you. Read more…



Mind Coach Biswajit
Mind Coach Biswajit

Written by Mind Coach Biswajit

Mind Coach Biswajit is a Mind Management Expert | Motivational Speaker | Author | YouTuber and Helping People to Control and Master their Mind.

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