How To Manage Your Mind In Anger With 6 Techniques?

Mind Coach Biswajit
5 min readApr 4, 2022


Hey, if you want to know how to manage your mind in anger, then you are in the right place. Because here you get all the information about mind management. In this article, we are going to understand what anger is, how anger forms, and what technique you can use to manage your mind in anger. So, now first we are going to know about anger.


7 billion people are living in this world and everyone has a strong feeling that we can say ANGER. Not only humans but also all other creatures have this feeling of anger. 99.9% have no control over their anger, but those 0.1% people who have complete control over their anger, are the ones who are highly successful in their life. In today’s lifestyle, people are facing this problem very badly.

Everyone wants to control their anger for some reason. Some people want to control their anger for their personal life, professional life, family life, relationship or social life, etc. But the fact is most people can not control their anger because they don’t know how and why anger is created. People can not control their anger because they did not know how and why they get angry at people and things.

As you know that if you want to solve your problem, then, first of all, you have to find out the root cause of your problem. Like this, if you want to control your anger, then first of all you have to understand how and why you get angry at people and things.

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How and Why Anger Is Created

Before controlling anger we have to understand how and why anger is created. Let me show you how and why anger is created. In the process of generating anger, the first step is attachment. This means when you continuously think about something or someone, then your mind starts to get attached to that thing or that person.

When you have an attachment to something or someone then your mind creates a desire for that thing or for that person. This means your mind wants to get that thing or that person at any cost.

When your desire will be fulfilled then your mind generates greed for that thing or for that person, but when your desire will not be fulfilled then your mind generates anger for that thing or for that person. In this way, our anger is generated in our minds.

But why is anger generated? When our desire is not fulfilled then our mind generates anger for that thing or for that person. Anger is nothing but energy. When you get the energy you become highly energetic. In anger, you can do any work.

Everyone says anger is bad but if you think differently then you will see that anger is not a bad thing and not a good thing. Anger is just anger and nothing else. But we decide our anger is a good thing or a bad thing based on our perception. If anger will help us to grow in our life then it’s a good thing, but if anger will destroy your life then it’s a bad thing.

When you become angry you lose your power and start doing something that will put you in more problems later. In anger, you started saying those words that you don’t want to say to anyone, but you said and later you regret that. In anger whatever you do, you do unconsciously, in anger you can not control any situation, you cannot take appropriate decisions, you cannot deal with people perfectly, etc.

But when you control your anger then you can live your life very happily. You can take decisions consciously and appropriately, you can control any situation, you can deal with people very easily, and you can handle any situation very calmly.

So, these are all the definitions of anger and how and why anger is created and all the pros and cons of anger. Now let’s know about the techniques that you can use to manage your mind in anger.

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Technique No 1- Awareness

In the list of 6 techniques, our first technique is awareness. Yes, awareness is the topmost and fast technique in managing our minds in anger. But why? Because without awareness you can not manage your mind properly in anger. As you know that anger is an energy, so if you can not control your anger or your energy then your anger or your energy will destroy your life.

Awareness is the only thing that will help you to know what is in your mind. This means whatever running in your mind like happiness, sadness, excitement, jealousy, greed and anger, etc you can spot with the help of awareness.

With the help of awareness, you can understand yourself better, you can understand the situation better, and you can understand the people better. With the help of awareness, you can see every opportunity that comes your way.

Without awareness, you can not manage your mind in anger. You can not know whatever is running in your mind. If you don’t know when you get angry or not then how can you control your anger? But how do build awareness?

To build super awareness you have to do two things, first is “do whatever you are doing” which means if you are drinking your water then only drink your water and your thought should be drinking water and nothing else. The second method is technique number two, which means meditation. Now let’s discuss technique number 2. Read more…



Mind Coach Biswajit
Mind Coach Biswajit

Written by Mind Coach Biswajit

Mind Coach Biswajit is a Mind Management Expert | Motivational Speaker | Author | YouTuber and Helping People to Control and Master their Mind.

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